If you select this membership type and use a credit or debit card to pay, your payment information will be saved and your card will be charged automatically every year on January 1st. This is the easiest and most hassle-free way to be a part of the YVMS.
You will receive reminders that your membership is about to renew 31 days and 14 days before your card is charged. If you would like to stop automatic recurring payments, you can select the “Stop recurring payments” button in your profile, directly below where your credit card information is listed.
If your card expires or is unable to be charged, you will receive another notice asking you update your card details. If you have not paid by January 15 you will receive a notice that your membership has lapsed. If you still have not paid by February 15 then your account will be suspended until payment is made.
If you select this membership type, you will be able to use a credit or debit card to pay. However, your membership will not be automatically renewed. You will need to go into your profile when you receive the reminder emails and enter your payment details manually each year.
You will receive a reminder to pay your membership fee 31 days and 14 days before January 1st each year. You will get a membership lapsed email if you have not paid by January 15. If you still have not paid by February 15 then your account will be suspended until payment is made.
In case of poisoning, seek medical assistance immediately.
Call 1-800-222-1222 for your local poison center or dial 9-1-1 for emergencies.
© 2011 - 2020 Yakima Valley Mushroom Society
The Yakima Valley Mushroom Society is a 501(c)7 nonprofit corporation incorporated in the State of Washington. PO Box 9971, Yakima, WA 98908.